Once you have some Prospect and Member offers created, you can start signing people up using the Member Enrollment application. Select the Member Enrollment application from the My Apps page.

Member Enrollment Application
Defining the Membership
On the Member Enrollment screen, you will need to first select the offer being signed up for from the list on the left. You can filter by Member and Prospect offers and needed.
Once you've selected an offer, you will need to select additional details, such as the items and add-ons to add and the salesperson. In order for your users to appear as salespeople, they must have the POS - Can Access permission.
For any term memberships, you will also be able to make adjustments to the Renewal Terms. These will be set to whatever was set up in Offer Builder, but it can be changed.

Defining the Membership
Entering the Buyer and Cardholder Information
Next we'll need to add all of the member information. This is done with two different types: the Buyer and the Cardholders.
- Buyer: This is the individual that is financially responsible for the membership. The Buyer may also be a member (cardholder), which can be indicated by toggling the Is also member toggle in the Buyer tab
- Cardholders: These are the individuals checking into the facility.
At the minimum, you will need to fill in the Buyer's information and either use the Is also member toggle, or fill in separate information for the first cardholder in the Add'l Member 1 tab. Additional cardholders can be added using the + button, but only if the offer allows additional cardholders.

Buyer and Cardholder Info
The Alternate ID is going to be important if you are using membership cards. The card number for the new member/prospect MUST be entered into the Alternate ID field. This will allow My Club Business to recognize the membership card when it is scanned for check in.
Organization Affiliation
If your club has a system where you work with organizations that sponsor affiliated members' membership costs, then you should also enter/select the relevant organization in the Organization Affiliation field. This will add the organization to the member's account for this purpose. This information will also cause the member's information to populate in the BLANK report which can be sent to the necessary organizations.
Summary and Adjustments
The Summary section is going to be where many manual adjustments are made. Here, you can:
- Use the Pencil icon to adjust the number of payments on the membership. This can only be equal to or lower than the original number of payments.
Adjust the Number of Payments
- Use the Calendar icons to manually change the Start Date, the First Due Date, and the Expiration Date.
Adjust the Membership Dates
- Apply both Discount Codes and manual discounts.
Apply Discounts
- Make manual adjustments to any added Point of Sale items using the Pencil icon
Adjust POS items
Adding Discounts
Part of the Summary section deals with adding discounts which can be done one of two ways: with Discount Codes (see this article) or manually.
Discount Codes
If you've created Discount Codes and added them to the selected offer, you can enter the Code and click Add Code. This will add the prebuilt discount created in Offer Builder to the membership.
Manual Discounts
If you are not using Discount Codes, you can still make adjustments to the price of the membership manually. Not only will this let you discount the price, but you can also increase the price. First, you will need to select the type of discount you will be applying:
- Percentage Discount: This will take a percent amount off of both the Fees Due at Sign Up and the Recurring Fees.
- Items Discount: This will take a dollar amount off of ONLY added Point of Sale items. If no Point of Sale items are selected, this will do nothing.
- Dues Adjustment: This will either increase or decrease the member dues by a dollar amount.

Adding a Manual Discount
Once everything has been managed on this page, click Review and Pay to continue on to the next step.
Review and Pay
This screen is where you can review the details of the membership so far and enter the member's payment information. On the left, you will find the membership details and information on the added Buyer and cardholders. On the right, you will find fields for entering the Buyer's payment information.

Review and Pay Screen
When it comes to entering payment information, you will have a few options
Sign Up Payment
The Sign Up Payment is going to include everything that the member must pay for during sign up. This can be paid for with either a Credit Card, cash, or a check. Select the payment method and then enter the relevant information. If the member is paying with cash or check, you will only need to select the cash drawer that is being used.
Recurring Payment
If the member is not signing up for a Paid in Full membership and there are recurring charges, either in the form of add-ons or membership dues, you will need to enter information for that as well. Here, the member can choose either Credit Card, EFT (bank account), or Statement. ASF generally recommends either Credit Card or EFT if possible.
If the member is not signing up for a Paid in Full membership and there are recurring charges, either in the form of add-ons or membership dues, you will need to enter information for that as well. Here, the member can choose either Credit Card, ACH (bank account), or Statement. ASF generally recommends either Credit Card or ACH if possible.
For the ACH payment method, members will need to provide their bank's routing number and their account number. For Credit Cards, they will need their CC number, expiration date, and CVV/CVV2 number.
If the member is going to have their recurring fees drafted from a Credit Card or ACH, and they will be paying their Sign Up Payment with the same Credit Card or bank account, you can choose to use the same card or bank account information by using the Is Same as Sign Up Credit Card/ACH toggle. Credit Cards can also be swiped if you are using a compatible credit card swipe.
If the member is going to have their recurring fees drafted from a Credit Card, and they will be paying their Sign Up Payment with the same Credit Card, you can choose to use the same card information by using the Is Same as Sign Up Credit Card toggle. Credit Cards can also be swiped if you are using a compatible credit card swipe.

Adding Payment Info
Once the payment information has been added, click Sign Terms and Conditions.
Signing the Contract
The final part of signing up a new member will be to review the membership and sign the terms and conditions. Let members read over the contract and sign in any and all required locations. Once all signatures have been added, click Create Membership or Create Prospect.
Communication Opt-In
While signing the contract, you will find a signature box used for opting in to receiving text communications. This is optional for your member and they may choose to sign this box to opt in or leave it blank.
After opting in to receive text communications, members can always opt back out by following the directions found in the first text they receive. For more information on communication preferences, be sure to review this article.
Member Email Communications
For clubs that are integrated with Club OS, members will be automatically opted in to receive promotional email communications. Only Buyer information will be used when adding the member to receive email communications. Cardholder information will not be used for this.
Members can always opt themselves out of receiving email communications by using the link that can be found in the email they receive.
For more information on Club OS integration, be sure to review this article, and for more information on communication preferences, be sure to review this article.