The Member Enrollment section is used for renewing, replacing, or reinstating an account.
- Renewals: Renewals are used for when a member's membership expires. If they are not set up to rollover to an Open-End membership, you will be able to use this to renew the member after their current membership expires
- Replacements: Replacements are going to be used if you need to make certain fundamental changes to a member's membership. This will completely replace their current membership with a new one
- Reinstatement: Reinstatements are going to be used to re-activate accounts that have been Returned but not yet sent to a collections agency, or are Pending Cancellation. This will reactivate the account and return it to the state it was in before it was cancelled or returned
In order to be able to use this feature, you will need to first have it enabled. Be sure to contact your Account Manager or ASF Support to have this feature enabled.
This section will function differently depending on if you are using Offer Builder/Member Enrollment or if you are using Contract Entry/My Enrollment.
Offer Builder and Member Enrollment
To process a renewal:
- Select Renewal. This will bring you into Member Enrollment. The member’s account information along with all cardholders will automatically be filled in.
- If the member is setup with preset renewal terms (see Renewal Terms in the Creating Member Offers article), then selecting Renewal will automatically have those renewal terms set up. Use the Override Preset Offer button to choose something other than the preset. Otherwise, be sure to select the Contract Terms and Payment Terms.

Member Enrollment Preset Renewal
- If using the Override Preset Offer option, you will need to select a new offer. Once the offer is set, click Review and Pay. The remaining steps will be the same as if signing up a brand-new member.
- If the member has a credit card or EFT information on file, you will have the option to use that same information or enter in new information
To process a replacement:
- Select Replacement. This will bring you into Member Enrollment. The member’s account information along with all cardholders will automatically be filled in.
- Replacements will be treated as if you are signing up a new member. Select the offer, make any adjustments, then click Review and Pay
- Enter the member’s payment information. If the member has a credit card or EFT information on file, you will have the option to use that same information or enter in new information
If needed, you can process a replacement or renewal using contract entry instead using the extra options beneath the buttons.
In order for a user to have access to reinstate an account, they must have the Reinstatement permission enabled. This is found in the Member/Account Inquiry section of the General Permissions tab in User Settings. Client Admins and SysAdmins (ASF Staff) will have access to this feature by default.
In order for a member account to be reinstated, the account must:
- Be in a Returned status (R)
- Have been Returned or Cancelled no more than six (6) months ago
- Not have been submitted to Collections
To reinstate an account:
- Select Reinstate. This will expand the window where you will see the Past Due balance for the account. This will be the amount the member owes in dues, add-ons, late fees, and returned item fees (RIFs).
- Review the Dues Accrued After Return amount. This is the total amount in dues that have been accrued since the member account was Returned. This combined with the Past Due Balance will be the total amount the member owes once their account is reinstated and after any amount that has been forgiven.
- If you plan to credit the member any portion of the balance (i.e. forgive any amount), enter that amount in the Total Amount to Forgive (via Credit) field.
- After crediting any amount, the total that the member will need to pay immediately as of reinstatement will be equal to (Past Due Balance + Dues Accrued After Return) - Total Amount To Forgive
- Review the Total Recurring Dues Payment After Reinstatement amount. This is the amount that the member will be paying going forward based on the frequency of their membership. This should be identical to the amount and frequency they were paying before the account was cancelled/returned
- Once everything is ready, click Reinstate Account & Pay Balance Now. This will reinstate the member's account and direct you into MyPOS where you can complete the member's transaction as normal
All Reinstated accounts will be moved to STATEMENT billing until the payment method has been updated. If this has not already been done, be sure to update the payment method immediately after reinstating if needed.
If your club is permitted to waive Returned Item Fees (RIF's), then that should be accomplished by removing the charge in the Add-ons/Account Charges screen within Member Management.
Contract Entry and My Enrollment
To process a renewal:
- Select Renewal. This will expand the window to show the Contract Entry screen.
- Fill out the Entered By field, choose the correct Member Account Status code, then click either Contract Entry or My Enrollment.

Contract Entry Renewal
- The member’s information will already be loaded in. Fill out any other information needed for the member’s renewal, then click Update Member at the bottom of the page.
- The dates for the renewal will automatically be set to the current expiration date. If the member has a credit card or EFT information on file, you will have the option to use that same information or enter in new information
To process a replacement:
- Select Replacement. This will expand the window to show the Contract Entry screen.
- Fill out the Entered By field, choose the correct Member Account Status code, then click Contract Entry
- The member’s information will already be loaded in. Fill out any other information needed for the member’s renewal, change their membership/card code if needed, then click Update Member at the bottom of the page.
- The dates for the replacement will default to the current date. If the member has a credit card or EFT information on file, you will have the option to use that same information or enter in new information