Cancel Account
In some cases, you may need to cancel a member’s account. You can do this here in the Member Management under the Billing Info section. To cancel the member’s account:
- Select Cancel Account
- Enter a reason for the cancellation. You can also change the date for the cancellation to take effect. By default, this will be set to the current date
- Optional: Set Check for Past Due to Yes or No. If this is set to Yes, the account won’t be cancelled until the member’s payments are up to date. If a member still has outstanding payments on their account, ASF will first need to collect those payments, then the account will switch to Cancelled
Once everything is set, click Save
Cancelling an Account
If the Require A Signature When Cancelling A Membership setting in Client Preferences is turned on, you will need to collect a signature from both the member and the club representative that is running the cancellation.
Freeze Account
Freezing an account will temporarily put the member’s account on hold. This will stop payments from drafting for the length of the freeze and push out the account’s expiration by the length of the freeze. To start a freeze:
- Set the Freeze Length and Freeze Type. This will determine how long the freeze lasts and can be any number of weeks, months, or payments
- Set the Start of Freeze. This will default to the current date, but can be set for a date in the future as well
- Add a Freeze Reason. This is just a brief reason for applying the freeze
- Optional: Set Allow Entry To Club. If you are using Online Check In, this will determine if the member is allowed to check in or not during their freeze
- Optional: Set a Freeze Fee. This can be used to charge the member for applying the freeze. Set the amount and the date to start charging for the freeze
Once everything is added, click Save
Freezing an Account
While an account is frozen, you can edit or cancel the freeze if needed. Cancelling the freeze will reset the expiration date to the original date before the freeze was added
Change Payment Information
This section is used to change any of the payment information on the account. This can be used to switch the account to a credit card or EFT, or to change the amount of the member’s dues.
For accounts that DO NOT have any credit card/EFT information on the account
If you want to add credit card/EFT information to the account:
- Select Add Credit Info
- Choose either EFT Draft or Credit Card. Note: This is going to change the member from receiving Statements in the mail to being drafted by ASF. DO NOT do this if the member wants to stay on statements
- Enter the credit card/EFT information, then click Save
Adding Credit Card/EFT Info
For accounts that DO have credit card/EFT information on the account
You will see the current credit card/EFT information for the account at the top of the window. To update this information:
- Click Change Info, then select either EFT Draft or Credit Card. This should be used to switch the member from EFT to credit card, from credit card to EFT, or to update the member’s current credit card information
- Enter the new EFT/credit card information, then click Save
Whether the member is set up on EFT, credit card, or statement, you also have the ability to change the member’s dues payment. This can be done for any reason as you see fit. To adjust the payments on an account:
- Select Adjust Payment
- Set the Adjustment Type to either Increase or Decrease, depending on what you need to do
- Select the date the change needs to take effect
- Enter the amount to adjust by, and an adjustment reason
- Click Save
Adjusting a Member's Dues
If needed, you can select Check Adjustments. If you set an adjustment in the future, that adjustment will show here. If you need to cancel the planned adjustment, you can click the X icon under Remove.
If the Require A Signature When Updating Payment Info setting in Client Preferences is turned on, you will need to collect a signature the member.
Suspend Account
The Suspend Account window only appears on member accounts that are currently suspended. This feature should be used to manually un-suspend accounts from Member Management. Select Edit Account Suspension to un-suspend the account.
Credit Account
If a member pays their dues directly to the club instead of waiting for their account to be drafted, you can use the Credit Account feature. This will tell the ASF system that you received a payment towards a member’s dues. To use this:
- Select Apply Credit
- Enter the amount the member is paying. This could be used to make multiple dues payments depending on how much the member pays
- Click Save. This will credit the amount towards the member’s account and advance their due date
Crediting an Account
Club Restrictions
For multi-location clubs or clubs that offer reciprocal access to other clubs, this section displays to which clubs this account has access. This is automatically set based on membership offer setup and applies to all members of the account, unless the member has an override specified on the member's profile.
The Renewal section will allow you to change a member’s preset renewal or set them up for a new renewal if they weren’t already. If the member is already set up for a renewal, you will find that information here. To change a member’s renewal:
- Click Change Renewal, then select No Renewal, Term Renewal, or Open-End Renewal
- For Term Renewals: You will need to enter the length of the renewal in months, set the 1st payment due date, set the number of payments, set the monthly dues amount, and set the cash amount. Cash amount is the total value of the membership
- For Open-End Renewal: You will need to set the 1st payment due date, the monthly dues amount, and choose if the member will receive statements or not
Setting Term and Open End Renewal
The ability to set Renewal Payment Frequency as part of the Renewal Terms is available on customer request. Otherwise, Renewal Payment Frequency defaults to match existing membership Payment Term Payment Frequency, or Monthly if the existing membership Payment Term Payment Frequency is Paid In Full. Contact an Account Manager or ASF Support to get this set up.