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Running a MyPOS Transaction


Once you have at least one open cash drawer, you can start a POS transaction. To do this:

  1. First, determine if this is a member/prospect, or an anonymous (non-member) transaction. If this is a non-member, choose Anonymous Order. If this is a member/prospect, search for them using either their name or account number, then select them from the list.


  1. Next, you will need to select the cash drawer being used from the list. Once you do this for the first transaction of the day, MyPOS will remember the selected cash drawer for future transactions.
    • If you need to select a different cash drawer, you can do so by clicking on the name of the cash drawer in the breadcrumb trail at the top of the page



  1. Next, you will need to select the salesperson. This can be done by searching for them using the search bar or selecting them from the Recent Sales People list, which will fill in with users as they ring up transactions.

Note: If the Salesperson Selection is Required permission is turned off for the user ringing up the sale, then this step will be skipped

  1. Next, select the items being purchased. Keep in mind, depending on the item settings and if this is a non-member, prospect, or member, not all items will be visible. Selecting items can be done a few different ways:
    • Select the category from the left side of the page that the item is located in, then click on the item. If you are using child categories, then you can further narrow this down (see the Inventory Management Client User Guide for more information on child categories)
    • Search for the specific item using the search bar. This can be used to search for the items name or SKU
    • If you have a barcode scanner, click the Scan Item button, then simply scan the barcode of the item
  2. After selecting an item, you will see it show in the Checkout list on the right side of the page. Use the Trashcan icon to remove an unwanted item from the list



Editing Items

If you need to apply a discount to an item or do a price override, you will need to use the Edit option above the Checkout list. Clicking Edit will expand the Checkout list and allow you to apply a discount or override.

In the Edit menu:

  1. Find the item you need to edit, then click on the $0.00 underneath either Discount or Override.
  2. Enter the amount of the discount/override, then select a Reason Code from the dropdown. For discounts, you will also need to select if you are doing a $ discount or a % discount
  3. Finally, click the checkmark. You can close the Edit screen by clicking Edit



Paying ASF Dues and Add-ons in MyPOS

You can add a member’s dues or add-on payment to a POS transaction. To do this:

  1. Click either Member Dues or Add Ons from the top right of the page.
    • Member Dues: This will display any upcoming dues, past dues, and late fees
    • Add Ons: This will display any add-ons that are due within the next two weeks, or any past due add-ons
  2. Select the items the member is paying for, then click Continue. This will add the items to the Checkout list. Once the transaction is completed, these amounts will be applied towards the member’s account

Paying Future Add-ons

Some members may want to pay for their future add-ons ahead of time. This is an optional feature that you may take advantage of if you wish. In order to allow members to pay for future add-ons, you will need to make sure you have enabled the Pay future add-ons setting found in Client Preferences. See this article for more information.

To add future add-ons payments to a transaction:

  1. Select Add Ons from the top right of the page
  2. Select Generate Future Add-ons
  3. Select the recurring add-on from the dropdown menu, which will only display add-ons associated with the member account. This will populate the Payment Amount and Number of Payments Remaining. 
  4. Enter the number of payments the member wishes to make in the Number of payments to generate field, then click Generate
  5. The future add-on payments will be added to the MyPOS order. Once the order is complete, the payments will be applied to the member account and the due date will be advanced depending on the number of payments made

Pausing and Cancelling a Transaction

The Pause function may be a useful tool for you to use. This will allow you to save the transaction for later and perform other functions within the software without needing to restart the transaction. To pause a transaction:

  1. Click the Pause button in the top right of the page. This will bring you back to the main screen for MyPOS and add the transaction to the Incomplete Orders
  2. To resume the transaction, just select the transaction from the list. This will bring you right back to where you left off with any and all added items and any applied discounts or overrides



To cancel a transaction:

  1. Click the Cancel button in the top right of the page. You will then need to confirm the cancellation

This will completely remove the transaction from MyPOS.


Updated to include ACH - Finalizing a Transaction

Once all items have been selected and any and all discounts/overrides have been applied, you will need to finalize the transaction. To do this:

  1. Click the Pay button at the bottom of the Checkout list. This will take you to the payment screen.
  2. Select the payment method from the left side of the screen. There may be additional options, such as Card On File, depending on if this is a member with credit card information on file, or if you are using Club Account Charges (see Additional MyPOS Settings).
  3. After selecting the payment method, enter the necessary information into the fields, then click Add Payment.
    • For Cash, you can either manually type in the amount the member gives you or use the dollar icons for the respective amounts. You can also use the Exact Amount button if the member gives you exact change. This will automatically add the payment.
    • For ACH, members will need to provide their bank's routing number, their banking account number, and the account type (checking or savings) Then, the amount being paid with this method will need to be entered in the Amount field. This will default to the order total but can be changed if needed.
    • If you have the Client Preference Allow ACH on File in Point of Sale enabled, AND the member already has ACH informatio on file, the you will be able to use the on file information by selecting ACH On File.

  4. Multiple Payment Methods: If you allow members to pay with multiple payment methods, you will be able to do this here. Simply select the first payment method, enter the amount for that method, click Add Payment, then repeat this for each additional payment method.
  5. If needed, you can reverse payments that have already been added by clicking the red X icon next to the payment.

Finalizing a Transaction

Once all items have been selected and any and all discounts/overrides have been applied, you will need to finalize the transaction. To do this:

  1. Click the Pay button at the bottom of the Checkout list. This will take you to the payment screen.
  2. Select the payment method from the left side of the screen. There may be additional options, such as Card On File, depending on if this is a member with credit card information on file, or if you are using Club Account Charges (see Additional MyPOS Settings).
  3. After selecting the payment method, enter the necessary information into the fields, then click Add Payment.
    • For Cash, you can either manually type in the amount the member gives you or use the dollar icons for the respective amounts. You can also use the Exact Amount button if the member gives you exact change. This will automatically add the payment.
  4. Multiple Payment Methods: If you allow members to pay with multiple payment methods, you will be able to do this here. Simply select the first payment method, enter the amount for that method, click Add Payment, then repeat this for each additional payment method.
  5. If needed, you can reverse payments that have already been added by clicking the red X icon next to the payment.

Note: If you have any added payments, these will need to be reversed first if you need to cancel the transaction


  1. Once the total amount has been added, you will be able to click Finalize Order. This will process the payments and bring you to the Review screen.
  2. You will first need to select the receipt for the member. You can do an email receipt, print receipt, or gift receipt.
    • If this is a member that has an email on file, the Email option will autofill with that email. You can then do multiple emails by adding a comma, then putting in the next email address.
    • If you need multiple receipts, you can use the Receipts This will re-open the receipts window and allow you to print/email another receipt.
  3. After you’ve taken care of your receipts, you can review the details of the transaction, then click New Order, which will take you back to the main MyPOS screen



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