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The Utilities section houses various smaller functions outside of the other sections.


Upload File

Upload File is used for uploading any files to a member’s account. This could be a copy of a contract or waiver, image, or any other file that you want added to the account. To upload a file:

  1. Select Choose File, then find the file on your computer that you are uploading. Keep in mind the file must be either a TIFF file (.tiff) or a PDF (.pdf)
  2. Select Upload File. Be sure to review the requirements below for uploading sensitive information.



Scanned Doc

The Scanned Doc section will show all files that have been uploaded to the account. This includes digital contracts, as well as any files uploaded through Upload File. This can be used to either download the uploaded file or send it as an email attachment. To do this:

  1. Expand the Scanned Doc Each uploaded document will appear in a list.
  2. To download one of the documents, click on the button with the document’s name. This will automatically start the download.
  3. To send the document as an email attachment, select the Attach to Email option, enter the email you need to send the document to, then click Send Email.

Note: You MUST have an email entered in Main Account Email inside Manage My ASF in Settings in order for the email to send



Send Email

Send Email will allow you to directly send an email to the member from their account. To send an email:

  1. Expand the Send Email From Email Address will autofill with the Main Account Email found inside Manage My ASF in the Settings. To Email Address will autofill with the email the member has on file in their Profile.
  2. Enter the Subject and fill in the rest of the email in the Message section
  3. Optional: If needed, you can add an attachment to the email using the Attachment option. Note: Any attached files must be under 200 KB in size
  4. Once everything is filled in, click Send Now



Show History

Show History displays the membership history. Every time the membership is replaced or renewed, the information for the old membership is stored here.

  • Last Name and First Name: The first and last name of the member
  • Begin Date: The begin date for that membership
  • Expiration Date: The date that membership was set to expire
  • Note Amount: The original total amount for the membership
  • Balance: If there was a remaining balance to be paid on the membership, it will show here
  • Original # Pay: The original number of payments that were supposed to be made
  • # Paid: The number of payments the member made for that membership

At the end, you will find the date the membership was replaced or renewed



Show Pictures

Show Pictures will show all pictures that have been added to the member’s account. These pictures are either uploaded by the club when signing the member up or added by the member through the My Member Account Mobile App. Expand the window to see all pictures added to the account.




The Emergency window displays all emergency contact information that is on the account. This is also where you can enter new emergency contact information if needed. To add/edit emergency contact information:

  1. Expand the Emergency You will see space to add two emergency contacts.
  2. To add a new contact, fill in the Name, Relation, Home Phone, and Work Phone, then click Update
  3. Once you have existing emergency contact information, you can always change the information listed and click Update
  4. The Delete option will remove ALL emergency contacts. If you need to remove just a single contact, simply clear out the information and click Update



Pass A Friend

The Pass A Friend window will display all people who have been added to the member’s Pass A Friend. For more information on Pass A Friend, contact ASF Client Support.

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