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Creating Categories, Event Types, and Series


The core of My Scheduler is going to be your CategoriesEvent Types, and Series. This is how you will create and organize all of your My Scheduler content. 

  • Categories are the broad, main level of categorization. Categories should NOT be very specific and should describe a general area of the events that you plan to schedule. E.g. Classes, Training, Large Group, Small Group
  • Event Types are the second level of categorization and can be more specific. Event types should be the actual name of the classes you will be scheduling. E.g. TRX, Cycling, Boot Camp, Tae Kwon Do, Yoga
  • Series are going to be the final tier when it comes to creating your events in My Scheduler. The Series should details the days and times your events will take place. For example, if your Yoga classes are scheduled for every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:00 AM, then you may have a Series titles M-W-F 8:00 under the Yoga Event Type.

NOTE: The above examples are how ASF recommends setting up Categories, Event Types, and Series for best user experience, but feel free to set them up as they would best work for your club.


You can access Categories, Event Types, and Series through the Browse view of My Scheduler.




Upon opening the Browse view, you will see any already created Categories as well as 2 default Categories: Schedule Block and Unassigned. These Categories are universal and cannot be edited or deleted. The right-hand panel will have an option for adding new Categories.


Adding and Editing Categories

Selecting Add Category will begin adding a new Category. Categories only have two options:

  • Name - This is the name of the Category
  • Is Member Visible? - This is an option relating to the My Member Account Mobile App. Setting this to Yes causes all events under this Category to be visible in the My Member Account Mobile app.

Once your settings are set, click Create Category.


To edit an existing category, select it from the Categories screen, then choose Edit Category in the right hand panel.


From here, you can edit the Category name and the Is Member Visible? setting.


Event Types

Once you have a Category created, you can select it to view any Event Types that are under that Category. You can also create new Event Types using the Add Event Type option in the right hand panel. 

Adding Event Types

Event Types have quite a few more options and settings than Categories. This is where you will begin to set up many of the details for your My Scheduler events.


  • Name - This is the name of the Event Type
  • Category - This is the Category that the Event Type will be under. This will be preset to whichever Category you are currently in
  • Is Deducting? - This setting determines if events under this Event Type will be deducting sessions from member accounts
  • Duration (default) - This is the default duration of events created under this Event Type. Events are not required to be set to the duration entered here.
  • Description - This is the description of the Event Type. This should be treated as the default description for both the Event Type AND the Series. As a note, if you are using the My Member Account Mobile app, the description used for your events will come from the Series description, NOT the Event Type description
  • Color - This will determine the color of the events when viewed in the Overview (main My Scheduler screen).
  • Commission Type - This will determine the type of commission for the events under this Event Type: Fixed Per Member, Percentage, or Flat Rate.
  • Commission Value - This will determine the amount of commission for events under this Event Type. If you are not applying commission to these events, set this to 0.

Once the settings have been entered, click Create Event Type.

Editing Event Types

To edit an Event Type, start by selecting the Category that Event Type is listed under. Next, select the Event Type you wish to edit and choose Edit Event Type from the right hand panel.


Here you will be able to change any of the above settings.



Now that we have both a Category and an Event Type, we can start creating Series. Select an Event Type to see all current Series under that Event Type. Select Add Series to create a new Series.

Adding Series

Series are going to have the most options to change while creating them. However, many of these options are coming from what has already been set up in the Event Type. You can changes these if needed for any of your Series that need to work slightly differently to the Event Type.


  • Event Type - This is the Event Type the Series is under
  • Name - The name of the Series
  • Is Deducting? - This determines if the events under this Series will deduct sessions from member accounts
  • Equipment Required? - This will determine if members are required to select equipment when signing up for an event
  • Is Online? - This indicates if the event will be an online event hosted over Zoom, Facebook Live, etc. This will also show the Online Information box where you will need to enter the online meeting information 
  • Trainer (default) - This is the default trainer for events scheduled under this Series. This does not mean events can only be scheduled for this trainer
  • Duration (default) - This is the default duration of events under this Series. This is copied from the Event Type
  • Room (default) - This is the default room that events under this Series will be scheduled
  • Description - This is the description of the Series. By default, this description should be the same as your Event Type description, but it can be different if needed. This is also the description that will be displayed for events in the My Member Account Mobile App
  • Maximum Capacity - This is the maximum number of members that can sign up for events under this Series
  • Maximum Waitlist - This is the maximum number of members that can be added to the waitlist after the capacity has been reached. Members on the waitlist will automatically be added to the event if another scheduled member is removed.
  • Commission Type - This will determine the type of commission for the events under this Event Type: Fixed Per Member, Percentage, or Flat Rate.
  • Commission Value - This will determine the amount of commission for events under this Event Type. If you are not applying commission to these events, set this to 0.

Once the settings have been entered, click Create Series.

Editing Series

To edit a Series, start by selecting the Category and Event Type the Series is listed under. Next, select the Series you wish to edit and choose Edit Series from the right hand panel.


Here you will be able to change any of the above settings.

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