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Using POS Integration to Track Member Sessions


Whenever you have a class or session that is meant to require sessions to be purchased beforehand, you will need to use the POS Integration function of Event Types in My Scheduler. This function will direct My Scheduler to the specific items created in MyPOS that will be required in order to attend the events. 


First, you will need to ensure that you have the corresponding inventory items created in Inventory Management. Be sure to review the Adding New Inventory Items article. Once the inventory items are created, navigate to the Event Type that you need to link with the created items.


In the right hand panel, you will find the POS Integration option. Select this to begin linking your inventory items.


First, you will need to find the items you wish to link under the - Select POS Bucket - dropdown menu. This list will ONLY show the items that were created as Scheduler_Bucket items in Inventory Management. If your item is not showing up, make sure the item is part of a Scheduler_Bucket Item Type.


After selecting the item, you will need to enter the Quantity. This is the number of sessions that will be decremented from the member's account when they check into the event. Generally, this is going to be set to 1, but you may have situations where an event decrements more than 1 session.


Once you have an item selected and a Quantity entered, click the + button to finish the POS integration. Repeat this process for all session items that members can use to attend the events under this Event Type.

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