This report will show cash drawer activity for every cash drawer that you have. This can be pulled when you want to see cash drawer reconciliations for a given date or date range. ASF recommends running this report regularly if you are opening and closing your cash drawers on a regular basis. To use this report:
- Choose a date range using the From Date and To Date fields
- Optional: If you have reciprocal clubs, these will appear in the top right under Clubs. This will allow you to pull this report for just one club or multiple
- Click Submit. All entries will display in the list. This report does not have any filtering options, so you will not need the Filter Data
- Optional: You can use the Group Data tab to change how the report is grouped. For more information on grouping reports, see the Reporting Basics.
- Optional: Lastly, you can export the data to an Excel spreadsheet by using the Export Data If you grouped the data, be sure to use the Export Group Data button instead
Use this list for a full outline of each column in this report:
- Open Date: This is the date and time the cash drawer was opened
- Client: This is the club number that the cash drawer is setup in
- Close Date: This is the date and time the cash drawer was closed (reconciled)
- Drawer: This is the cash drawer that was reconciled
- Is Balanced: This will say if the cash drawer was balanced or not when it was closed
- Opened By: This will display the user that opened the cash drawer
- Opening Cash: This is the amount that was entered when the cash drawer was opened
- Cash Transactions: This shows the total amount collected in cash from POS transactions
- Cash Transaction Count: This will display the number of transactions that were run where cash was used as a payment method
- Cash Drop: This will show any amounts that were applied as a Cash Drop. If multiple cash drops were performed, this will display the total
- Cash Drop By: This will display the user that completed the Cash Drop. If multiple cash drops were performed, this will display the most recent
- Expected Closing Cash: This is the amount of cash recorded by the cash drawer that should have been entered when closing the cash drawer
- Actual Closing Cash: This is the amount of cash that was entered by the user who closed the cash drawer. If this does not match the Expected Closing Cash, then the drawer was out of balance
- Check Transactions: This shows the total amount collected in checks from POS transactions
- Check Transaction Count: This shows the number of transactions that were run where a check was used as a payment method
- Expected Closing Check: This is the amount in checks recorded by the cash drawer that should have been entered when closing the cash drawer
- Actual Closing Check: This is the $ amount in checks that was entered by the user who closed the cash drawer. If this does not match the Expected Closing Check, then the drawer was out of balance
- Credit Card Transactions: This shows the total amount collected in credit cards from POS transactions
- Credit Card Transaction Count: This shows the number of transactions that were run where a credit card was used as a payment method
- Expected Closing Credit Card: This is the amount in credit cards recorded by the cash drawer that should have been entered when closing the cash drawer
- Actual Closing Credit Card: This is the $ amount in credit cards that was entered by the user who closed the cash drawer. If this does not match the Expected Closing Credit Card, then the drawer was out of balance
- Club Account Transactions: This will show the amount collected from Club Account Charges (see Additional MyPOS Settings)
- Club Account Transaction Count: This will show the number of transactions that were run where a Club Account Charge was used as a payment method (see Additional MyPOS Settings)
- Closed By: This will show the user that closed the cash drawer
- Balance Note: If the drawer was closed out of balanced, this will display the note that was added
- Balance Overridden By: This shows the user that performed the override when closing the drawer out of balance