The Sales Item Detail report is going to detail all sales that have been rung up through MyPOS within a given date range. This will also include all dues payments made as part of a transaction. This report displays each item sold as a separate line item, so multiple items that were part of one transaction will appear on different lines.
ASF HIGHLY recommends running this report regularly to keep accurate track of all sales for your club. To use this report:
- Choose the From Date and To Date to pull the report from. Then click Submit
- Optional: If you have reciprocal clubs, these will appear in the top right under Clubs. This will allow you to pull this report for just one club or multiple
- Optional: You can use the Sales Summary toggle to change some of the information that is displayed (see Sales Item Detail – Sales Summary).
- Optional: Use the Filter Data tab to filter this report by item type. This will let you see all items sold from just one item type, such as Personal Training or Clothing
- Optional: You can use the Group Data tab to change how the report is grouped. For more information on grouping reports, see the Reporting Basics.
- Optional: Lastly, you can export the data to an Excel spreadsheet by using the Export Data If you grouped the data, be sure to use the Export Group Data button instead
Use this list for a full outline of each column in this report:
- Client: This is the club number that the item was sold at
- Account: This is the member’s account number. If this is 0000000, then it was an anonymous order
- Sequence: This is for accounts with multiple cardholders. The sequence number indicates which cardholder they are. If this is 00, then it was an anonymous order
- Receipt ID: This is the ID number for the transaction
- Date: This displays the date and time the transaction was completed
- First/Last Name: These fields will show the member’s first and last name. If these are blank, then it was an anonymous order
- Drawer: This will show the cash drawer that the transaction was run through
- Sales Person: This will show the user that rang up the sale
- Item Name: The name of the item that was sold
- Item Type: The item type that the sold item is a part of
- Entered By: This will show the user that entered the transaction. In most cases, this should be the same as the salesperson, but it is possible that they will be different depending on who is actually logged into the ASF site
- Retail Price: This is the retail price of the item that was sold
- Discount: This will show the amount taken off the price as a discount
- Tax: The amount of tax that was applied to the item
- Line Total: The price of the item after applying Discounts and Tax
- Item Cost: The item cost of the item. This comes from the Item Settings (see the Inventory Management Client User Guide)
- Gross Profit: The projected profit that you will receive based on the Retail Price and the Item Cost
- Price Override: This will display the Override Reason Code that was used if an override was applied
- Discount Override: This will display the Discount Reason Code that was used if a discount was applied
- ASF Type: This will display the ASF Item Type of the item that was sold
Sales Item Detail - Sales Summary
Using the Sales Summary toggle will change some of the information that is displayed in this report and may be more useful to you depending on what data you need. To use this, turn the toggle on before clicking Submit.
One change made when using this toggle will be that each line item will display as individual transactions, not individual items sold. Each line will also have a Quantity column that displays the number of items that were in that transaction
This toggle will also add a Payment Method column, which will allow you to group your transactions by payment method to see the number of items purchased with each method. This is something that some owners want/need to see. To do this:
- Pull the report for the date range needed. Be sure to tun the Sales Summary toggle ON. Click Submit
- Select the Group Data tab, choose Payment Method from the Select a field dropdown, then click Apply. This will group the pulled data by the payment methods used.