MMA-Mobile App is ONLY compatible with the newest version of My Scheduler. If you need any assistance in knowing which version you are on or need to convert, call Client Support at 1(800)527-6898.
MMA Mobile App - Setup
The main screen of the MMA mobile app (Home Icon) will feature the following:
The configuration settings for the mobile app theme will be found in the Global section of the Client Preferences. Users will need to have the Settings - Global Preferences - Can Access permission turned on to access these features.
Color Scheme
- From the My Apps page, click Settings
- Click Client Preferences
- Use the Global section to select the colors you wish to use to match your club color scheme.
- Select any of the color options to begin changing the colors. You can either select the color using the color picker or directly enter the RGB, HSV, or hexadecimal code
- Click Set once you've select the color(s) you wish to use.
Club Logo
To upload your club's logo so that it appears in the MMA mobile app:
- Navigate back to the Client Preferences and select the My Member Account - Mobile App section.
- Under Settings, choose Use Client Image and select Choose File to upload your logo
- Click Submit to save your changes
Use Client Name will display your club name instead.
Show Event Categories
In order to ensure that members can see your events in the mobile app, you will need to edit your Categories in My Scheduler.
- Select My Scheduler from the My Apps page. Select the World icon to view your Categories, Event Types, and Series
- For existing Categories:
- Select the Category you wish to edit and choose Edit Category
- Set the Is Member Visible? toggle to Yes
- For new Categories:
- Set the Is Member Visible? toggle to Yes when you are creating the Category
Member Messages
Member Messages are a way for you to post messages to your members on the app. Member Messages will appear on the main screen of the app so all members will see it once they log in.
To set a Member Message:
- Select Settings from the My Apps page and navigate to the Message Center
- Select My Member Account Mobile App. Any previously created messages will also appear here
- Create a new message by selecting New Message. Type in your message and a title for the message, set the start and end date and time, and click Add Message
Note: Only one message can be displayed at any one time. If you already have a message for the timeframe entered, an error box will appear.
To edit a message, select the message from the list. After making your changes, click Save Message
Featured Events
Featured Events are a way for you to highlight any of your events in the mobile app in order to draw attention from members. To have access to set a “Featured Event” in the MMA-Mobile App, the role/user will need to have the Can Edit/Remove Events/Instances – Current/Future permission check-marked under General Permissions – Scheduler.
To set a Featured Event:
- Select My Scheduler from the My Apps page. Go to Browse (World icon) and navigate to the event you wish to be featured.
- Once you find the event, select it and choose Set Featured Event.
Note: You can only have one featured event at a time. In order to set a new featured event, you will first need to remove the current featured event.
Removing a Featured Event
To remove a featured event:
- Go to Settings from the My Apps page and choose Client Preferences
- Navigate to the My Scheduler tab. You should find your current featured event at the bottom. Select Remove Featured Event to remove the event