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Setting Up Trainer Commissions


Trainer Commission will allow you to set up commission amount for your trainers that they receive any time they lead one of your Scheduler events. This trainer commission can also override the commission set for the Event Types and Series if needed. 

You can start setting up Trainer Commission by selecting the trainer who needs the commission. They can either be selected from the Overview or through the Trainers option located in Browse.




From the Trainer view, select Set Trainer Commission


Now, select the Event Type and Commission Type, enter the Commission Value, and click Add Trainer Commission.


Any time this trainer checks in members to an event that is part of the Event Type in which they have commission set, that information will be filtered into the Trainer Commission Detail Report. Be sure to use this report often to review how much commission you should be paying your trainers.

Additionally, the Flat Rate Commission Should Always Pay Out setting found in the My Scheduler section of Client Preferences will affect how commission works.


If this is set to True, then any Flat Rate commissions set up for your trainers will ALWAYS be entered into the Trainer Commission Detail Report, regardless if any members were checked into the event or not.

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