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Setting Trainer Hours


My Scheduler has the ability to set up specific work hours for any of your trainers. This can be used to indicate when each trainer will be available to host a scheduled event.

You can start setting this up by selecting one of your trainers. They can either be selected from the Overview or through the Trainers option located in Browse.




Start by selecting Set Trainer Hours and clicking on Set New Schedule. If you are editing a trainer with an existing schedule, then you will see the schedule here instead.




The Trainer Schedule will work the same as the Club Hours found in the My Scheduler Admin options. Simply set the Start and End times for each day. If there is a day each week that the trainer is not scheduled, you can select the Off toggle.


Once you've entered the hours, be sure to click Set Schedule. You can use the Reset Trainer Hours option to reset the schedule and start over if needed.

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