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Member Client Preferences


Member Preferences are going to be a set of settings and features mostly related to your Member Management. 


Member Preferences are accessed through the Client Preferences found in Settings. Select Settings, then Client Preferences, then select the Member tab.




The Attributes tab is used to create and manage member attributes. These attributes are additional parameters added to member accounts that can track any additional information you need. Member attributes should be used to track information that is personal to your club or facility.


Adding Attributes

To add a new Attribute:

  1. Click the icon
  2. Enter a name for the attribute, and select the type.
    • For the List type, you will also need to enter Values that will be available to select from
  3. Set the attribute to Active, then click the Save icon to save your new attribute


You can edit/deactivate your attributes by selecting them from the list. 


For more detailed information, be sure to review the Member Attributes article.



The next tab that will be covered in this article is the Preferences tab. This tab is home to some basic preferences for Member Management.




Member Preferences

  • Set Member routing to new member field: This preference isn't perfectly clear as to what it does, but setting this toggle to True will force all links to any member account to open in Member Management. If this is set to False, those links will default to open in the Legacy Members page. ASF recommends this to be set to True
  • Require a signature when updating payment info: Having this preference set to True will add an additional step when updating any member's payment information. A confirmation will need signatures from both the member and the club representative processing the change.
  • Require a signature when cancelling a membership: This option works just like the previous option, but for cancelling memberships.
  • Require a signature when freezing a membership: This option works just like the previous two options, but for freezing memberships.
  • Send copy of PDF to client when member cancels: Sends a copy of the cancellation document to the email address entered into the field
  • Send copy of PDF to client when member freezes: Sends a copy of the freeze document to the email address entered into the field
  • Cancellation date offset: Allows you to set an offset, in days, from the day a cancellation is entered to when it will take effect
  • Default freeze fee: Allows you to set a default fee to be applied to all account freezes
  • Default freeze type: Allows you set the default length measurement to either Months, Weeks, or Payments for freezes
  • Default freeze length: Sets the default value for the freeze length
  • Minimum cardholder age to send to Club OS: Sets the minimum age that cardholders must be in order for their information to be sent to Club OS. Secondary cardholders under this age will NOT be sent to Club OS. The default and recommended value is 18. Clubs wishing to use this feature will need to contact ASF to have it enabled.
  • Note

    This feature is only available to clubs that are integrated with Club OS.


Add-On Settings

  • Require a signature for one-time add-ons: This option will require the member to sign off on any one-time charges that are added to their account
  • Default recurring add-ons to auto rollover: This will default all newly added recurring add-ons to automatically rollover to open-end if they are term
  • Club email address on recurring add-on contract: This is the email that will appear on the contract signed by the member whenever a new add-on is added to their existing account
  • Send copy of add-on emails to club's main account email address: This option will automatically send a copy of the signed add-on contract to the club's main account email
  • Send copy of add-on emails to alternate email: Same as above, but this option will allow you to enter a custom email to send add-on contracts to instead of the main account email.

Once you have your options set, be sure to click Save to save your changes.


Cancellation/Freeze Reasons

The Cancellation Reasons and Freeze Reasons tabs are used to setup preset options that can be selected when either cancelling or freezing a member's account. These should be used if you have a preset list of cancellation or freeze reasons to choose from as opposed to entering custom reasons for each account freeze or cancellation.


New reasons can be added with the + button. Once you have a list of reasons, you can use the View Status toggle to indicate if the reasons are active or not. This should be used in the event that you wish to disable the freeze/cancellation reasons temporarily.

The Copy Reasons button can be used to copy the reasons you have created to any of your reciprocal locations.


Recurring Add-On Terms

The final tab of the Member Client Preferences is used to set up terms and conditions to be signed whenever a new, recurring add-on is added to a member's account. This should be used to setup terms and conditions that relate to your add-ons that you want your members to sign.



These terms and conditions are added whenever a new recurring add-on is added to an existing member's account. If you use specific terms and conditions for recurring add-ons, be sure to import them here in order to use them. 

There are two different types of Recurring Add-on terms: PT Add-on Terms and Non-PT Add-on Terms. PT Add-on Terms are used for add-ons that add sessions to member accounts when paid for. Non-PT Add-on Terms are used for add-ons that do not add any sessions.


Select the type of terms you need, then either manually type in the terms and conditions, or copy and paste them from either a Word document or PDF. Once the terms have been added, click Submit. Selecting Delete Term will remove any terms and conditions you have added.


Update Section - Third Party Payers

Further reading:

Check out these articles to learn more about Member Management!

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