If you have any employees that will need to access My Club Business in any way, you will most often want to create a user account for them. This will give them their own unique log in information, and it will allow you control which aspects of My Club Business they can access.
To access the user settings, start by selecting Settings from the My Apps page, then select User Settings.
This will bring you to your current list of active users. If you haven't add any new users yet, you will most likely only see your own user account along with any other users that were added when your My Club Business site was set up. Each entry will display the username, first and last name, email address, status, and role.
Adding Users
To add a new user, start by selecting Add New User.
First, you will need to fill in the Profile. This will include:
- Username: The username that is used to log in. This must be unique (no 2 users can have the same username)
- Email Address: The user's email address, used to finish activating their account once it is created. This must be unique (no 2 users can have the same email address)
- Role: Assigns the user to one of the roles in your Role Settings. This will set up their General and Report permissions
- First Name and Last Name: The first and last name of the user
- Cell Phone: The user's phone number
You can optionally add an image to the profile by selecting Add Image. Once everything has been entered, click Add New User. If you need to customize the permissions of the user, you can do so using the General Permissions and Report Permissions tabs, but these should be automatically set by the Role.
Managing Users
You can edit any of your users by using the Manage User link. This will allow you to adjust permissions, change some profile information, add an image, or send a change password link in the event the user forgot their password.
Once you've made any changes, be sure to select Update User. You can also Deactivate Users if needed.
Associated Users
If you have users that need user accounts in your reciprocal club(s), you can use the Associated Users tab while managing a user.
First, you will need to select the reciprocal club to push this user to. Then, select the role from the reciprocal club that the user should be added to. Finally, click Push User To Club. This will add an entry to the Associated Reciprocal Club Users list. The user will receive an email in order to create a password for their new reciprocal user account so they can sign into the reciprocal club.