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Sales Commission Report



The Sales Commission report is a useful tool for tracking the commission earned on the sale of items. This report will give you detailed information on any items that have been set up in an item type with sales commission. If you give your employees commission based on the sale of certain items, you will need to use this report regularly. To use this report:

  1. Choose the From Date and To Date to pull the report from. You can also turn on Commission Detail, which gives some additional details in the report. Then click Submit
  2. Optional: If you have reciprocal clubs, these will appear in the top right under Clubs. This will allow you to pull this report for just one club or multiple
  3. Optional: Use the Filter Data tab to filter this report by salesperson. This will let you see the items sold by and commission owed to just a single salesperson
  4. Optional: You can use the Group Data tab to change how the report is grouped. For more information on grouping reports, see the Reporting Basics.
  5. Optional: Lastly, you can export the data to an Excel spreadsheet by using the Export Data If you grouped the data, be sure to use the Export Group Data button instead


Use this list for a full outline of each column in this report

  • Client: This is the club number that the cash drawer is setup in
  • Receipt ID: This is the ID number of the transaction
  • Sales Person: This is the original salesperson
  • Date: This is the date and time the transaction was completed
  • Sale Price: This is the total ticket price of the transaction
  • Discount: This will show any discounts that were applied to the transaction
  • Tax: This is the amount of tax that was applied
  • Total Amount: This is the ticket price after applying discounts and taxes
  • Commission Amount: This will show the amount of commission that the salesperson should receive

Using the Commission Detail option will also show these fields:

  • SKU: This will show the SKU of each item sold that has commission applied to it
  • Item Name: The name of the item sold
  • Item Type: This will show the item type that the item is part of
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