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Online Scheduler Usage for Members


Note: The Online Scheduler is no longer recommended for use. Instead, check out the Public Calendar and its features.


The Online Scheduler will allow your members to schedule themselves for events online, attend online events, or watch any videos you have uploaded to the Media Library. Each user is going to need their account number (NOT the Alt Account) in order to log into the Online Scheduler. 

Members will also need this link to the Online Scheduler:

CLUB_NUMBER should be replaced with your club's ID. You can take this URL and provide it to your members in whichever way you wish. This link can also be found in the Client Resources article.


Once the member logs in, they will see a list of upcoming events, which of them require purchased sessions, how long they last, and what the type of event is. These may be online events or events that take place in the club. Online events will be indicated by a Computer icon. Selecting an event will display the event details as well as a link to register for the event.



To the left, members will find some links to other features of the Online Scheduler, such as a link to their scheduled events and a link to My ASF Account.



Online Videos

Any videos uploaded to the Media Library will be displayed in the Online Videos section. Selecting any of the videos will open the video in the Online Scheduler for the member to view.



My Scheduled Events

Any events the member is scheduled for will appear under My Scheduled Events. They can cancel themselves from these events if they wish as long as they meet the time before cancellation requirements. If it is too close to the start of the event, member's will not be able to cancel themselves.


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