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Expiration List Report



The Expiration List report is used to display accounts that are set to expire within a selected date range. This is a very useful report and should be viewed often to keep up to date on your expiring accounts. This can also be used to send mass emails to accounts that are set to expire in order to remind them to renew their memberships.

  1. Choose a date range using the From Date and To Date fields
  2. Select whether the report will display information for the Contract Buyer, the Card Holder, or Both
  3. Optional: Select any member attributes you wish to include in the pulled data
  4. Optional: Turn on the Directory option to display additional contact information for each member, such as address, phone number, and email
  5. Optional: You can use the Group Data tab to change how the report is grouped. For more information on grouping reports, see the Reporting Basics.
  6. Optional: Lastly, you can export the data to an Excel spreadsheet by using the Export Data If you grouped the data, be sure to use the Export Group Data button instead


Use this list for a full outline of each column in this report:

  • Client: This is the club number that the member is a part of
  • Account: The member's account number
  • Contract Status: The member's current contract status
  • Buyer's First Name/Last Name: The first and last name of the contract buyer
  • Card Code: The card/offer code that indicates the member's membership
  • Alternate: The member's alternate account number, if there is any
  • Payment: The amount paid each time the member's dues were due
  • Balance: The total remaining balance on the member's account
  • Beginning: The date the membership began
  • Expires: The date the membership expired
  • Renewal: Indicates if the membership was set up to renew
  • Salesperson: The salesperson that originally signed up the member
  • Home Phone: The home phone, if any, that is entered on the cardholder's profile
  • Work Phone: The work phone, if any, that is entered on the cardholder's profile
  • Cell Phone: The cell phone, if any, that is entered on the cardholder's profile
  • Email Address: The email address located on the cardholder's profile
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