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Active Cards and Active Contracts Reports



These two reports are very similar and will display similar information. These reports are used to pull information on your active cardholders and active member contracts respectively. These can be used to find a total number of members or cardholders you currently have. These are both very useful reports and should be pulled regularly.

Active Cards

  1. Choose the types of accounts you wish to have pulled for the report using the Show Accounts menu
  2. Optional: Turn on the Directory option to display additional contact information for each member, such as address, phone number, and email
  3. Optional: Select any member attributes you wish to include in the pulled data
  4. If needed, you can use the Filter tab to filter data by Contract Status, Card Code, Insurance, and/or Company/Occupation
  5. Optional: You can use the Group Data tab to change how the report is grouped. For more information on grouping reports, see the Reporting Basics.
  6. Optional: Lastly, you can export the data to an Excel spreadsheet by using the Export Data If you grouped the data, be sure to use the Export Group Data button instead


Use this list for a full outline of each column in this report:

  • Client: This is the club number that the member is a part of
  • Account: The member's account number
  • Contract Status: The member's current membership account status
  • Sequence: The cardholders sequence number i.e. 1st cardholder, 2nd cardholder, etc.
  • Card Holder's First Name/Last Name: The first and last name of the membership cardholder
  • Gender: The cardholder's gender
  • Buyer's First Name/Last Name: The first and last name of the contract buyer
  • Card Code: The card/offer code that indicates the member's membership
  • Card Alternate: The cardholder's alternate account number, if any
  • Birthday: The cardholder's birthday
  • Beginning: The date the membership went into effect
  • Expires: The date the membership expires
  • Last Attended: The most recent check in record for the cardholder
  • Balance: The current total membership account balance
  • Payment: The amount the member pays for their membership dues
  • Next Payment: The next due date for the account
  • Email Address: The cardholder's email address
  • Occupation/Company: The cardholder's occupation, if any
  • Insurance: The cardholder's insurance number, if any

Active Contracts

  1. Choose the types of accounts you wish to have pulled for the report using the Show Accounts menu
  2. Select the Report Content to view information for either Contract Buyers, Card Holders, or Both
  3. Optional: Turn on the Directory option to display additional contact information for each member, such as address, phone number, and email
  4. Optional: Select any member attributes you wish to include in the pulled data
  5. If needed, you can use the Filter tab to filter data by Contract Status, Payment Frequency, Gender, Card Code, and/or Company/Occupation
  6. Optional: You can use the Group Data tab to change how the report is grouped. For more information on grouping reports, see the Reporting Basics.
  7. Optional: Lastly, you can export the data to an Excel spreadsheet by using the Export Data If you grouped the data, be sure to use the Export Group Data button instead


This report has many of the same columns as the previous report, so the following list will cover only the columns not included in the Active Cards report:

  • Down Payment: The total amount the member paid as a down payment when they signed up
  • Note/PIF: The total value of the membership
  • Days Past Due: The number of days the member is past due on their account, if any
  • Reject Code: If a payment was rejected, this column will display a code based on the reason for the reject
  • Salesperson: The salesperson that originally signed up the member
  • Pay Frequency: The frequency that the member pays their dues
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