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Outstanding Gift Cards



This report will give you detailed information on gift cards that are on your member’s accounts. This can be used to see all accounts with gift cards that have balances above a certain amount. To use this report:

  1. Optional: Fill in the Balance Over This will pull all gift cards with balances above this amount. If left blank, this will pull all gift cards
  2. Optional: If you have reciprocal clubs, these will appear in the top right under Clubs. This will allow you to pull this report for just one club or multiple
  3. Click Submit. All entries will display in the list. This report does not have any filtering options, so you will not need the Filter Data
  4. Optional: You can use the Group Data tab to change how the report is grouped. For more information on grouping reports, see the Reporting Basics.
  5. Optional: Lastly, you can export the data to an Excel spreadsheet by using the Export Data If you grouped the data, be sure to use the Export Group Data button instead


Use this list for a full outline of each column in this report:

  • Client: This is the club number that the cash drawer is setup in
  • Account: This is the member’s account number
  • Sequence: This is for accounts with multiple cardholders. The sequence number indicates which cardholder they are
  • Gift Card Number: This is the number that was entered for the gift card when it was sold
  • Purchaser Last Name/First Name: The first and last name of the cardholder that purchased the gift card
  • Balance: The amount currently on the gift card
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