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Reporting Basics


Select Data

The first step to using reports is to select your data. Each report will have different criteria that you can pull information by. Once you've entered your search criteria, click Submit.



Filter Data

Next, you will potentially want to filter your data using the Filter Data tab. Not all reports will have filters. Filters will limit the amount of data that is pulled based on certain criteria, such as membership type. Once you've entered your filter criteria, click Submit.



Group Data

The last step is to group your data. In some cases, this will be useful in reorganizing the data you pull into more usable formats. Each report will have different criteria that it can be grouped by. Once you've selected the criteria to group by, click Apply.



Reciprocal Clubs

Some reports will allow pulling data from some or all of your reciprocal locations, if you have any. Reciprocal locations will appear in the top right of the report window while in a report. Individual club numbers can be selected, or you can use Select All to select all locations. After selecting locations, the data pulled in the report will be data from all selected locations.


Note: This feature will be dependent on the Can Access Club Switcher user permission. Users MUST have this permission enabled in order to pull reports for multiple clubs.

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