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Applying Discounts and Overrides


Discounts and price overrides can be applied to most items during MyPOS transactions. In order to do so, you must have Discount and Override reason codes setup in the Point of Sale Client Preferences. Be sure to review the MyPOS Client Preferences to set these up. 

During any transaction, you can apply discounts and overrides to either individual items or the entire ticket. These are applied through the Edit menu when running a POS transaction.


In the Edit menu:

  1. Find the item you need to edit, then click on the $0.00 underneath either Discount or Override.
  2. Enter the amount of the discount/override, then select a Reason Code from the dropdown. For discounts, you will also need to select if you are doing a $ discount or a % discount
  3. Finally, click the checkmark. You can close the Edit screen by clicking Edit



To apply a full ticket discount, select the highlighted Discount option at the bottom of the screen and follow the same steps as above. 


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