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Facility Transaction History


The Facility Transaction History will show all transactions for the facility based on certain search criteria. This is accessed by selecting the icon from the top of the main MyPOS page. This should be used to view daily, weekly, or monthly transactions in your facility, but it should not be a replacement for regular report usage.


To use the Facility Transaction History:

  1. Enter any search criteria needed using the fields, then click Search. This will list out all transactions that match the criteria.
  2. To expand any transactions to view more details, click the Order ID of the transaction
  3. Use the quick links in the top right of the transaction to re-print a receipt, void the transaction, or do a return

Note: The Void option will only be visible until the end of the business day (11:59 PM) that transaction was processed. If you need to void a transaction after this deadline, please contact ASF Client Support at 1(800)527-6898. If a Void must be processed for ASF dues, you MUST call Client Support to process the Void


While the transaction history is useful to view transactions by different criteria, ASF recommends using the Point of Sale reports for general tracking and data purposes (see Reports)


  • Order ID: This is the ticket number for the transaction; useful for finding a specific transaction
  • Cash Drawers: Lets you filter by cash drawers in order to view transactions from one specific drawer
  • Order Type: Lets you filter transactions by Sales, Returns, or All
  • Sales People: Lets you filter by the salesperson
  • Order Status: Lets you filter by All, Unknown, Cancel Attempted, Cancelled, Complete, Incomplete, Void Attempted, and Voided
  • Item Type: Lets you filter by the item types of items that were sold
  • Payment Type: Lets you filter by the payment types that were used
  • Item Name: Lets you search for a specific item name from the transactions
  • Start Date: The starting date for a search by date range
  • End Date: The ending date for a search by date range


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