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Event Detail


The Event Detail report will display detailed information for all scheduled events within the selected date range. This report should be used to review your scheduled events and the details associated with them. To use this report:

  1. Choose a date range using the From Date and To Date fields
  2. Optional: Specify a Category, Event Type, and/or Series using the respective drop down menus 
  3. Click Submit. All entries will display in the list. This report does not have any filtering options, so you will not need the Filter Data
  4. Optional: You can use the Group Data tab to change how the report is grouped. For more information on grouping reports, see the Reporting Basics.
  5. Optional: Lastly, you can export the data to an Excel spreadsheet by using the Export Data If you grouped the data, be sure to use the Export Group Data button instead


Use this list for a full outline of each column in this report:

  • Category: The Category that the event is a part of
  • Event Type: The Event Type that the event is a part of
  • Series: The Series that the event is a part of
  • Start: The start time and date for the event
  • End: The end time for the event
  • Duration: The total duration for the event
  • Capacity: The maximum capacity for the event
  • Available: The number of available spaces for the event
  • Scheduled: The number of members that were scheduled for the event
  • Checked in: The number of members that were checked into the event
  • Absent: The number of members that were marked Absent for the event
  • Wait List: The number of members on the waitlist for the event
  • Club Cancelled: The number of members that were cancelled by a user in the club
  • Member Cancelled: The number of members that cancelled themselves from the event
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