In some cases, you may have a group of individuals signing up for one membership. This could be a family signing up on a family membership, for example. In these cases, you will want to use multiple cardholders in Member Enrollment, which allows you to add a number of additional cardholders to one membership/account.
To sign up multiple cardholders:
- Select the offer in Member Enrollment
- Select the Payment Term and additional offer items needed
- Fill in the Buyer information. This is the individual who is financially responsible for the membership
- Select 1 to fill in the first cardholder's information. The first cardholder can also be the Buyer, in which case use the Same as Buyer toggle
- For each additional cardholder after the first, use the + button to add a new cardholder and fill in the information
Depending on the offer, there may be a limit to the number of additional cardholders that can be added to an offer, indicated by the max value.