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Upgrading Prospect Accounts


Once a Prospect is ready to sign up for a full membership, you will need to upgrade their account to one of the memberships you have created in Offer Builder. This can be accomplished in a few different ways:

  • Find the member with the Quick Member Search tool and use the Convert to Member option
  • Find the member in Member Management and use the Convert to Member option

Quick Member Search

To upgrade a prospect through the Quick Member Search:

  1. Open the Quick Member Search tool from anywhere in My Club Business and search for the prospect


  1. In the Profile window for the prospect, select Convert to Member. This will immediately bring you into Member Enrollment AND it will automatically import any profile information from the Prospect account to be used for the Member account


  1. Once you are in Member Enrollment, the enrollment process will be the same as it is for signing up a brand new member (see Signing Up a New Member or Prospect)


Member Management

To upgrade a prospect through Member Management:

  1. Navigate to the Member Management app from the My Apps page of My Club Business
  2. Search for the prospect. You can un-check the Members toggle to filter the search results to only Prospects


  1. Select the prospect from the list of search results, then scroll down to the Member Enrollment section
  2. Select Convert to Member. This will immediately bring you into Member Enrollment AND it will automatically import any profile information from the Prospect account to be used for the Member account


  1. Once you are in Member Enrollment, the enrollment process will be the same as it is for signing up a brand new member (see Signing Up a New Member or Prospect)
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